Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rush Hour

This is the first poem in a journal it started in 2004. I can't believe its been 4 years! Its interesting to see how my style has changed over the years...

"Rush Hour"

a girl can get carsick
traveling your twisting, turning,
bumpy roads
you approach me with the roar
of a monster truck - strong and powerful
promising to speed through
my construction zone
but slow down
youve exceeded my speed limit
take it slowly
someone else is already crossing my street
and so ive become confused
you see, all the signs
tell me to keep clear
but my peripheral vision
has been blocked
and i blindly creep up his
one way street
but your double yellow lines
have got me hypnotized
and slowly i merge
into oncoming traffic
destined to collide
into the barrier that divides
the true meanings
from your spoken lies
you offer me an expedition
which promises no dead ends
no road raging fits
no tailgating kids
but how do i know
that i wont get caught in the fog
how do i know
i'll never pay the fine?
you think a long country road
can be boring and lonely
but my life, my body, my love
is a closed course, i need a
professional driver only.


inkdup said...

That was tight! Im glad that you decided to make a blog and share your poetry. I need to step my game up now.LOL!! keep it up.

BluRoz said...

Cool! I'm glad you like it!